Village Video
Sophie Chapman, Kerri Jefferis, Samra Mayanja, David Steans, James Thompson, Harlan Whittingham, Janey Walklin
Pavilion and Hyde Park Picture House are working on a major new commission with Canadian artist Julia Feyrer. Launching in winter 2022, the work will imagine the Hyde Park Picture as a memory palace – a way of using architecture and journeys to help someone remember information.
As part of this process Julia would like to gather together people’s memories of the Hyde Park Picture House. These will act as coordinates for the work they make with sculpture and film.
How to Contribute:
Imagine if the building had held onto some of our memories … What would it be able to tell us about the local area and its people?
We’re inviting you to share your memories. We’re interested in anything you’d like to tell us, but perhaps these prompts will help:
— When you think of the Hyde Park Picture House, what memories come to mind? This could be about a film you saw there, or something that happened inside or outside the building.
— If you could record one memory from your life in north Leeds forever, what would it be?
— Do you have other memories of going to the pictures in Leeds which you could share?
Please write as much or as little as you like. We’re interested in memories big and small. From any period in time.
We will share your contrbutions with Julia. We will also put everyone’s memories together and, with your consent, send a copy to each person that contributes. And we will put a copy in the Hyde Park Picture House archive for safekeeping.
We will not share your name or personal information with anyone, unless you would like us to. But it would be useful if you could include your name and age for our purposes.
Please email:
Or send to the address below.